About the BNP
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Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Campo Grande, 83
1749-081 Lisboa

Tel. 21 798 20 00
Fax 21 798 21 40

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Internacional cooperation:


♦ Foundations and associations

♦ Current projects

♦ Past projects


Since the 80s, the BNP has intensified its participation in intiatives of professional collaboration at both the national and the international level.


In Portugal, the BNP has prommoted a vast programme of cooperation with libraries of all types, focused on the needs and  objectives related to the development of PORBASE - the national Bibliographic Database which provides the functional support to the Online Union Catalogue of the Portuguese Libraries.


Besides this objective, for more than twenty years the BNP has carried out a variety of activities towards prommoting  library automaton in the country, ranging from the production and distribution of library  management applications to  training services and publishing technical books. See more information under  Services for librarians.


At the international level,  and beyond its regular collaboration in the activities of the most relevant international library associations and foundations, the BNP has participated in a variety of projects and initiatives co-funded by European programmes.


The cooperation activities also encompass actions developed upon collaboration agreements with other kinds of organizations such as universities and private foundations, from Portugal and abroad, for research, advanced training and technical developments.