Rare Book and Manuscript
Reading Room
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pm Item requests up to 5pm.
Saturday: - Closed
Tel. 21 7982041/2446
Fax. 21 7982138
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Rare Books and Manuscripts - Printed
The BNP’s collection of 1,597 works printed in or before 1500 includes items that are unique in the world, as well as a copy of the so-called Gutenberg Bible.
Most of the incunabula in the BNP’s collection came from the libraries of abolished convents, especially the Convent of São Francisco de Xabregas, and private individuals, such as Dom Francisco de Melo Manuel (Cabrinha).
♦ Catálogo de incunábulos. Introd., org. e ind. Maria Valentina C. A. Sul Mendes. Lisboa: BN, 1988.