O Mundo Contemporâneo - História, Política e Cultura
CICLO DE CONFERÊNCIAS | 6 out. - 9 dez. '2022 | 18h30 | Auditório | Entrada livre
Contando com a participação de conferencistas provenientes de diferentes universidades internacionais, assim como de investigadores do IHC dedicados ao estudo de realidades nacionais e transnacionais muito diversas, este ciclo de conferência visa promover o interesse pela história contemporânea mundial na universidade e na sociedade portuguesas.
Integrando os cursos de doutoramento da NOVA FCSH, mas decorrendo em diferentes instituições da cidade de Lisboa, as sessões são abertas à participação de qualquer interessado, sem necessidade de inscrição prévia*.
6 de outubro - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Humor gráfico na imprensa independente brasileira sob o regime militar
Mélanie Toulhoat, IHC — NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST e CREDA
Resumo: Mélanie Toulhoat apresentará algumas reflexões da sua tese de doutoramento "Rir da ditadura, rir sob a ditadura. O humor gráfico na imprensa independente: uma arma de resistência durante o regime militar brasileiro", mostrando o papel político de charges, caricaturas, histórias em quadrinhos, gravuras e corte-colagens publicadas na imprensa independente brasileira, a partir do golpe de 1964 e até o início da transição democrática. Num contexto de fechamento progressivo do regime, de repressão policial, de diminuição drástica do campo legal da ação política assim como de severas limitações impostas à liberdade de expressão, o humor gráfico foi utilizado pelas redações para contornar as diversas formas de censura e lutar contra o imaginário autoritário.
Biografia: Mélanie Toulhoat é investigadora especializada na história contemporânea do Brasil, de Portugal e dos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa (PALOP). Doutora em História pela Universidade Sorbonne Nouvelle e pela Universidade de São Paulo (2019), venceu, em 2020, o prémio de tese da Sorbonne Nouvelle. Actualmente é investigadora júnior do Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CEEC-FCT), investigadora associada do Centre de recherche et de documentation des Amériques (CREDA) e presidente da Association pour la recherche sur le Brésil en Europe (ARBRE).
13 de outubro - Livraria Tigre de Papel
The Decolonization of Africa and the British Left
Mélanie Torrent, Université de Picardie Jules Verne e Institut Universitaire de France; Pedro Aires Oliveira, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST
20 de outubro - Livraria Tigre de Papel
Tourism in Yugoslavia - Relaxing, Partying and Romancing, 1950-1960
Anita Buhin, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST
3 de novembro - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Girolamo Li Causi and the Italian Communist Party
Massimo Asta, IHC — NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST e Robinson College, University of Cambridge
Resumo: For his role as comprimario in the national politics of the ICP, the study of the political trajectory of Girolamo Li Causi allows us to focus on the front of the scene, and at the same time to adopt a critical unusual gaze. The biographical approach makes it possible to configure the presence of a plurality of histories, a spatial plurality and a plurality of times, and layers of times, which often overlap in the course of three political regimes (the Liberal, the Fascist and the Republican) and different phases of the party. By connecting the totality to the detail of the individual, these temporal sequences can appear in the form of fragments, suggesting incongruities, and even contradictions, which constitute a challenge for the historical interpretation.
Biografia: Massimo Asta is an historian of modern and contemporary European history, with a particular focus on history of economic thought, intellectuals, labour history and left politics. He is investigador auxiliar at the Instituto de História Contemporânea of Lisbon and affiliated lecturer and researcher at Robinson College, University of Cambridge. He published Girolamo Li Causi, un Rivoluzionario del Novecento 1896-1977 (Carocci, 2017), and coedited The Value of Work since the 18th Century. Theory, Measurement, Custom and Conflict (Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2023).
10 de novembro - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
In the Periphery of the Russian Empire - Democratization in the Grand Duchy of Finland
Juho Korhonen, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST
Resumo: As a result of the 1905 revolution, the Grand Duchy of Finland embarked upon the creation of the first state in the world to become democratic in the modern sense of the meaning. Through democratization in a peripheral and non-sovereign state of the Russian Empire, this case provided a conundrum to imperial politics of the era and today challenges mainstream narratives of democracy's origins.
Biografia: Juho Korhonen is a historical sociologist who has published on imperial transformations of the early 20th century, on post-socialist politics, as well as on the politics of history related to those issues. Juho completed his PhD at Brown University with a dissertation titled Empire, Democracy, State, and Nation: Sociological Occlusions of the German and Russian Empires.
15 de novembro - Culturgest
USA - Imperial Way of Life?
Amedeo Policante, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST
17 de novembro - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Comparative Historical Analysis of Revolutions - Employing the Past to Make Sense of the Present
Daniel Ritter, Stockholm University
Resumo: Revolutions constitute some of the grandest and most consequential of social processes, shaping and reshaping societies and nation-states as we know them. This talk aims to illustrate how social scientists make use of comparative historical methods to theorize revolutions and provide generalizable conclusions about them. What possibilities and challenges are one faced with when seeking to theorize - and generalize about - macro-sociological phenomena like revolutions through the use of historical evidence? How confident can we be about findings and conclusions that are admittedly and intentionally sweeping and broad, and to what extent can such conclusion be extrapolated to additional cases? And finally, are there any credible alternatives to the comparative historical approach, if the explicit objective is to advance new theories? Against the backdrop of the presenter's own comparative historical analysis of revolutions in the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the Middle East and North Africa, the talk explores how one might go about striking a balance between methodological rigor and theoretical innovation.
Biografia: Daniel Ritter (Associate Professor) is a political sociologist specializing in revolutions and social movements. He received his doctoral training at the University of Texas at Austin (PhD awarded in 2010) and has held postdoctoral positions at the European University Institute in Florence and at Stockholm University (SU). Prior to returning to SU in 2016, he was Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham. He is the author of The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (Oxford University Press, 2015), Social Movement and Civil War: When Protests for Democratization Fail together with Donatella della Porta, Teije Hidde Donker, Bogumila Hall, and Emin Poljarevic (Routledge, 2018), and On Revolutions: Unruly Politics in the Contemporary World, co-authored with Colin Beck, Mlada Bukovansky, Erica Chenoweth, George Lawson, and Sharon Nepstad (Oxford University Press, 2022). In 2017, Daniel received Stockholm University’s “Award for Good Teaching” (“Årets lärare”).
23 de novembro - Culturgest
Rússia: quebras e continuidades territoriais
Jochen Hellbeck, Rutgers University; Yuri Slezkine, University of Berkeley
7 de dezembro - Culturgest
China: ontem e hoje
Wang Hui, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tsinghua University
9 de dezembro - Colégio Almada Negreiros
The Fascist March on Rome, 1922
Giulia Albanese, University of Padua
Organização: Yvette Santos, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST
* Exceto as sessões que decorrem na Culturgest, que requerem obtenção prévia de ingresso junto daquela instituição.